Palm Group always place customer first and is doing the best to completely satisfy them with quality service, product and guaranteed price.

Palm Group is Centre for the Communication Equipments, Mobile Phones, Computers, Laptops, Accessories, Electronics, Software and Web-Development.

Palm Group will soon be launching online retail service for local and international client. The client will be able to order their desired product from their comfort place. Palm Group will be providing a fourteen days local and 21 days international warrenty for its product in case the client changes his/her mind or in event they do not like or product.

Palm Group is a name for competitive, reliable and excellent customer service provider in retail and whole sales business of Communication Equipments, Mobile Phones, Computers, Laptops, Accessories, Electronics, Software and Web-Development. Palm Group provide services to local and international clients.

Palm Group is progress toward geting full satisfaction of our clients for providing them exellent products with warrenty and our client are showing satisfaction of the warrenty proccess. Palm Group has qualified staff to advice our valuable clients to choose computer or laptop for home or office use. We can provide costomise products based on the need of our valuable client.